Tate | Sit down for tea with artist Yasmin Jahan Nupur

It takes a lot of courage to sit at a table with a stranger and host them in a gallery setting. Bangladeshi artist Yasmin Jahan Nupur does this with incredible poise. It was my great joy to capture her performance Let me get you a nice cup of tea. It’s a piece that ponders British colonialism and the world we live in while making space for new friendships. The performance was staged at Tate Modern in 2022 and the installation is still on view on Level 3 of the Blavatnik building.

Director and camera: Helena Kardová
Producer: Scott Morris
Editor and camera: Jan Rybák
Sound recordist: Mae-li Evans
Post-production producer: Yasmin Tilly
Colourist: Juliette Wileman
Sound mix: Lukas Pilkauskas

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